- Changed some of the blog and archive design - 24/12/24
- NEW POST!: TALKING ABOUT HITMAN. Also as you can tell the site has gotten wider. This is DISC TWO 1.5. I think this design allows for a better reading experience - 22/12/24
- Changed the site's CSS a bit to make it more legible to me lol - 22/12/24
- GRANDIA journal updated with the third session - 17/12/24
- GRANDIA journal updated with the second session - 16/12/24
- Cleaned up files, added comments, divs, alt text, etc. Also updated the about section. A lot of text in the site was edited to be more punchy and organized. - 15/12/24
- GRANDIA journal updated with the first session - 14/12/24
- FIRST GAME JOURNAL! GRANDIA. I'll continue to update as I play the game! Also a little post talking about the VGAs 2024!. Cool sites links added to the links section. - 13/12/24
- lele's DISC SHELF IS IN VERSION 1.0!! NEW COOL AND AWESOME CRT TV BASED DESIGN. A tiny review of Takeshi Kitano's 'Hana-bi' inaugurates the movie section of the shelf. Also added useful links to the links section and did our first weekly highlight!. A placeholder for the game's journal section has been added as well. - 12/12/24
is still a ton of work to do in this section in order to give it a pleasant and unique visual identity. This is just version 0.5. - 8/12/24
- NEW SECTION!! lele's DISC BINDER. Basically the part where I put
all my less thought out writing. Life updates, movie and game logs, all that stuff. - 6/12/24
- NEW POST!!! Long post about how I went from JRPG hater to lover. Also added a WIP links section- 5/12/24
- Custom Domain!! I always wanted to support neocities, i've been doing dumb projects here for years now. I'll make sure this is not of those that gets abandoned - 1/12/24
- Added: A chat zone! and an RSS Feed. With this I consider Version 1.0 of the DISC TWO website complete!!!! There will still be updates of course but
all the basic functionality is done and now I can focus on writing for a bit. - 1/12/2024
- Added: Links for pages within iframe, recent posts section, light theme for accessibility and opened THE GARDEN - 29/11/2024
- This site just came back from a 8 month hiatus! I now have a way forward and a plan. Updates will come with more constantly and I hope to build a cool space for self expression. I have a lot of ideas for this website, please stay tuned, for there is much work ahead. - 28/11/2024